joel goldstein

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July 12, 2010 9:41 am

1) There should be a minimum legroom size. Most airline have seats with 31″ pitch, which prevents tall customers from sitting with their legs straight in front of them. Several hours of flying with legs canted to one side or the other is painful on both knees and hips. It is inexcusable to require tall passengers to pay large amounts of additional money to have adequate leg room.

2) On the other hand, overweight passengers who take up half of the seat of the person next to them should be required to pay for an additional seat. It is unconscionable to require a passenger to have an overweight stranger plastered against them for several hours.

3) Airport screening should be equitable for all passengers. There is no justification for first class passengers having a separate and short… more »

…line while other passengers endure long waits. First class passengers pay the airlines for the superior accommodation, service, and food they receive while on board the airplane. However, the screening is carried out by TSA, which is a government agency and, as taxpayers and citizens, we all should be treated equally. « less
July 13, 2010 5:01 pm

Well stated and I am in full agreement.

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